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North Lodge

North Lodge offers a nurturing & therapeutic environment for children and young people with diagnosis & additional learning needs in a five bedroom rural house we look after kids up to the age of 21.


North Lodge prides itself in following the latest guidance and research to embed the ‘Promise’ and trauma informed practice. Investing in our team to ensure they have the appropriate training in order to ensure best practice is followed and to understand and manage trauma related processes for our children and young people with adverse childhood experiences while offering a nurture based approach to feel a sense of belonging and security.  The highly skilled and trained team come from a multi-discipline and varied background and work intensively with the children and young people in supporting them, developing and having safe and secure attachments, making positive memories with the focus on successful achievements and outcomes to flourish.


The environment within North Lodge is designed to give the children and young people a warm homely feeling. All our indoor spaces allow the children and young people a safe space to improve visual, auditory, tactile processing, gross motor skills and opportunities for engagement in behaviour prevention and de-escalation strategies. Our activity room allows space to play and take part in therapeutic relaxation techniques including relax kids programme offering resilience, tools and techniques to manage emotional and mental health. The secure front and back garden with play equipment provides the children and young people a safe space to play and develop in a natural homely space.

North Lodge aims to make best use of additional supports available including internal specialists such as our own Health and Wellbeing Activities Coordinator along with our Occupational Therapist along with tapping into local community based supports whilst providing the young people with a natural environment where they feel safe and secure and cared for where they can feel at home.

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